Monday, June 22, 2015

Which Tribe you belong?

Regardless of the Caste, Clan, Creed, Nationality, Religion etc , a person in the modern age could be part of  following classes
  • Digital Tribe
  • Hybrid  Tribe
  • Analog Tribe
Digital Tribe - A group where members are using Digital assistance whenever possible. 
Hybrid Tribe - A group where members use some Digital assistance, but prefer traditional approach
Analog Tribe - A group where members only use traditional approach ( a vanishing group)

More and more people are joining the Digital tribe at a faster rate than before from the Hybrid group. But, for a long time, Hybrids will be around..  

One reason why Hybrids will be around because "Technology does not change what we do. It only changes the way we do things" 

I belong to Hybrid, but Analog in spirit. I do not use a Smart Phone and still prefer books over Kindles/Tablets ( Even though, I own a MAC OS X machine, an iPad , one Android etc)

But, to survive in the IT Industry, as a mainstream professional, at least in the Consulting space, one needs to be digitally adept. To improve the understanding of SMAC ( Social/Mobile/Analytics/Cloud), one needs to be part of the Digital Tribe. Or, in other words, one should leverage Digital gadgets to think about innovative ways to use them. 

Digital realm  has got vitality (at this point in time),virality and reach. Obviously, it can disrupt the way we live. 

Until, the advent of the Internet, the innovation were mostly market driven. Now, most of the innovation is Technology driven. The Consequence of this will be understood only in the next ten years.

Or Is Singularity near? ( as Kurzweil says)

Why should one attend a BarCamp?

Thanks to a friend of mine, I came to know about the BarCamp Kerala initiative. It was in the year 2008. In fact, I presented a session titled, "Programming Paradigms". I was surprised to see kind of openness and the collective  wisdom of the crowd assembled there.

Even-though the name seems bit misleading, there is an interesting history behind it. If you attend a Barcamp, you will know it. At least, there will be someone who will be telling the interesting history behind the Barcamp event. In fact, In the last BarCamp Kerala held at Technopark Trivandrum, I gave that introduction.

I have only missed three Barcamps after that and have presented in most of Barcamps I have attended. I always listen to other presentation with keen interest. This has had a positive impact on my life. 

Some of them are

  • I came to know more about LAMP stack,Content Management tools, Python,Blender,Dynamic Languages through Barcamp sessions
  • I started my consulting company after listening to a session on Entrepreneurship. The session covered how to setup your own partnership firm. The details of Bank transactions and Accounting compliance convinced me that It is easy to setup some concern than widely believed. ( A Session by Ivin Gancius in 2010)
  • Learned more about Software Business, after listening to people's "war stories" during the networking time
  • Met lot of professionals who have inspired and improved my ability to think.
  • Heard about Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning from Barcamps
  • Heard about HTML5 long before the stuff became mainstream
  • Learned more stuff about Security Engineering
  • Encountered lot of new Meme and Lingo (which otherwise would not have got
  • Improved my presentation skills in topics beyond technology!

Each time, Barcamp kerala is getting better. Let us see how the next event will be and what are the takeaways.The next edition of Barcamp Kerala will be held @ SCMS, Kochi. You can register for the event @

Why "Morphing Intelligence to Sensibility"?

As a person born in the early 70s, I was trained to look for "Intelligent" Behavior or whatever that meant to me. That was, at a time when Information was hard to come-by and it was costly to acquire/archive information. With luck, I could get access to book shelves (private and public) by virtue of being born in a town with a good public library and a set of remarkable individuals.

From 1989 ( from 17 to 21)  to 1993, I tried to become the most "intelligent" man in the universe! In those times, reading Encyclopedia Britannica cover to cover would have helped me achieve that. At least, I believed so. In fact, I read twelve volumes of Micropedia and got tired to pursue twenty volumes of Macropedia.The Encyclopedia Britannica comprised of thirty two volumes.

I was a voracious reader for a period of four years. That shaped my intellect and pretty much decided my path in life. Based on this foundation, I aced in  Computer Programming. That gave me a career, and a "good" life.

The saying in those days were, "How Intelligent you are?" . Those were the times when Analytical Intelligence and Intelligence were synonyms.

With the advent of Internet, Slowly things began to change. Institutions were built to liquidate the influence of individuals. By using Divide and Conquer (Division of Labor) and institutionalization, companies in fact, marginalized some  Individuals in the Software Industry. This empowered another set of Individuals, who are better at collaboration.

Now, the saying is , "How are you intelligent?". Institutionalization made collaboration, an imperative. They brought in things like Procedural intelligence, Emotional Intelligence etc. to the mainstream of human socio/economic affairs.

Despite noticing these changes, some Individuals still kept on worshiping Analytical Intelligence, a self defeating excersize. I have slowly distanced from them. But, DNA is still that of those group.

After doing contemplation for a period of sixty days,I have understood that being Sensible is more rewarding than being Analytically sound. So, I have decided to Morph my Intelligence to Sensibility.

"After contemplation, I have realized that there is nothing called Intelligence. It is just a matter of Stimulus and It's response. Men, respond to the Stimulus and Response decides the outcome. If Response leads to a positive outcome for the Individual or group, he or she is considered intelligent"

May be, this blog will reflect that transformation.