Saturday, January 30, 2016

Prime Obsession of the World?

Over a period of time , I have observed a curious phenomena, which I have also been a victim. It is search for an alternate career, most often, with things which are not connected to your professed area of competence. In the quest to make a living, we all choose something which Is feasible and the most visible things which are in vogue, around early twenties. The tyranny of beginners luck will take us towards some kind of "Joy" ride in our chosen area. Soon, some tag or moniker will be attached to you, as a Software Guy,Accountant,Artist, Carpenter, Lawyer etc.

Like any other things in life, monotony of job, creeps in to our life. Then, a quest to come out or escape from the misery of boredom triggers in, as a natural reaction. Then, series of actions which are close to rituals will be undertaken by the subject. Software Engineer will try to become a Musician, Lawyer will try to become a Singer, Carpenter will try to become a Philosopher etc. At least, everyone will indulge in things which are disconnected from their prime area of focus. Like every Indian who used to dream about Playing for India in Cricket, the day he got a cricket bat or ball, they show unusual enthusiasm towards their "alternate" career option. Here also, beginners luck will be them. Because of reality show and self "publishing" through Social media, some progress will be made. Soon the "boredom" due to the lack of immediate success, creeps in here as well.

Like the quintessential dream of "I will retire around fourty", it is seldom achieved. The Sunk cost fallacy creeps in here and soon the quest for alternate career, turns into some kind of Ritual. Of course,most often Rituals are as important as the functional side of our Acts.

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